Flatmoen Natur - Tours and Experiences

Begynn med å velge ankomst og avreise datoer

Om du er litt redd for og begi deg utpå en av våre lengre turer, og bare vil ha en smak av ridning, da er dette den perfekte turen for deg.


150 min


1 person

We start by entering the pasture and pick ourselves a horse, bring them back to the farm and start grooming them. When we are all done we head out in to the woods.

You decide the speed, and we do not have to go fast if you don’t want to, that’s all up to you guys. The horses are as safe as they can be, and you will receive helmets from us. The perfect trip for beginners. We end the trip with a coffee and something to bite on, at the farm porch.


Begynn med å velge ankomst og avreise datoer